Welcome and thank you for considering Journal of Vaccinology to submit your work.
By submitting the manuscript to the journal, authors ensure that they strictly follow guidelines and ethics of the journal.
Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, through online submission. If authors face any technical problem with online submission, they can send an article through an email attachment to the editorial office at editor@vaccinologyjournal.com. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article from submission until publication (during peer review and in-house process).
The documents of new manuscript submission should comprise of:
- Cover letter
- Manuscript file (Including title page, full manuscript body text, conflict of interest statement, funding information and references)
- Article table of contents mentioning all levels of headings
- All tables and table legends (in order of citation within the manuscript text)
- All figures and figure legends (in order of citation within the manuscript text)
- Supplementary materials (if any)
- The name and e-mail address of the contact author who will check the proof of the paper.
A Cover Letter that explains main purpose of the work, must accompany the manuscript. It should explain the suitability of the manuscript to this particular journal based on topic, theme, and methodological or theoretical approach. It should briefly describe the research that is being reported in the paper, why it is important, and why the readership of the journal would be interested in it.
Authors may suggest 3-6 potential peer-reviewers for the manuscript, provided, they should not be the current collaborators and should not be the members of same research institution. The suggested peer reviewers should not have published with any of the authors of the manuscript within the past five years. Suggested reviewers may be considered along with potential reviewers recommended by Sectional Editors.
Once the manuscript is modified/corrected according to reviewer’s suggestions and finally approved for publication, there will be no further opportunity to edit it. Any essential changes after this point will be published as corrigenda. After acceptance of the article and before its publication, corresponding author must sign License to Publish Form. Our editorial staff will respond to any submission inquiry within two working days. On publication of the article, all authors of the manuscript will receive a web link, which directs you to the published article on the Journal website.